I locked Brooksie's keys in her car this morning while warming it up - not the start to the day I was looking for. I was hoping to catch the Yellow-G and get to work a little early to get a head start on today's basketball game program. Instead, I got to shell out $45 for the locksmith and lost some points with the wifey (general annoyance (-5), late for work (-10) and money loss (-50)). I'm hoping my commitment to see Sabrina (Hepburn and Bogart) at the Normal Theater tonight will cover some of the loss (+30).
Some times life throws you a pitch you can't hit, and like the happy Pedro Serrano from Major League, you just have to smile and say "das, a good pitch, man." Today's silver lining came in the form of Discovery's "Cash Cab," which I got to watch for about 10 minutes before heading out to catch the Red-B. It would be pretty sweet to jump on the bus one day and have it be a TV game show.
Driver: "What's the capital of Nicaragua?"
Me: "Managua"
Driver: "Err...that's correct, you've just won 50 cents."
Me: "All those times staying after school in fifth grade to play Nigel's World finally paid off!"
My "Cash Bus" game show would be complete with "Red Light Challenges" and a three strikes and you're dropped off at the next corner policy. It would certainly add interest to the ride.
Another benefit to missing the Yellow-G (besides having to rename this blog series "Yellow-G Rider") was running into Kathy (formerly known as the library lady, maybe spelled with a "C"). She's one of those rare people that light up any room, or in this case, bus. She's a regular rider on the Red-B when the weather's poor and is so vibrant that you almost wish for cold weather or threat of precipitation.
When Dallas drove the Red-B, he'd always slow down at her regular stop to see if she was coming, and if she wasn't, he look at me and say, "I guess she ain't riding today." Tuesday, I saw Kathy a block down the street as the bus cruised through the intersection and it made me sick that she missed the bus. Needless to say, talking with Kathy for the four or five minutes that she's on the bus, helped me jump right out of any mini-slump I was having this morning.
I haven't seen Celeste (Cameroon, learning English guy) in a coupled days, hope he's not gone for good. My Congo (Ayalbert and Catherine) friends just disappeared one day and I haven't seen them again.
That's all the excitement for now. Until next time, see you in Uptown Normal at :35 and :55 after the hour.
Kevin, I'm sure that being around your contagious good mood is plenty of reward enough.
I would totally be down to play on the Cash Bus.
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