Back on the streets for another edition of Red-B Rider. Nothing earth shattering today, but I figured my three readers out there might be wondering what’s up (mad props to Jordan at Luminous Vignettes for being the first commenter ever). I’ve been thinking about inviting the Frenchies (French Foreign Legion was way too long) to do something, perhaps come to a basketball game. Audoin and I are speaking for about 30 seconds every day when we get off the bus, but not a lot of time to get under the surface of the regular hi-how-are-you type questions.
Today, he asked what I do and I tried to explain sports information/media relations to him, but that’s hard enough to a native English speaker. Anyhow, he asked me when the next “match” was and I told him about tonight’s men’s basketball game against Creighton. It sounds like the gang is in. I’m excited.
Nothing new to report with Celeste – the Cameroonite, Cameroonie, Cameroo-eese, Cameroon-o…I dunno…guy, I started talking to last week. Cold and windy today with a little freezing rain made for a not so pleasant walk to, and wait at the bus stop. I can’t wait for spring.
That’s all for now. I’ll hopefully have a non-Red-B post soon. Until then, see you in Uptown Normal at :35 and :55 after the hour.
Oh yeah!!! A mid-blog shout out! You keep those coming and I'll be sure to keep up with the comments. I enjoy the stories of your adventures on the public transportation system, wish I could take a ride on the bus with you, pal. That's cool that the "Frenchies" might come to a game. Hope that works out.
Nice work on the foreign relations Kev. Stay warm out there. We don't need any S.O.S. blogs from you frozen to the bus stop!
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