It's been about a year since I fired up this blog...and consequently about a year since my last post. It's time to get the free press rolling again, this time for a good cause.

Jordan Nisly (my buddy) and his wife Nikki (super cool lady) are raising support to go to the Philippines for three years, where they will teach in a Bible college and do other missionary stuff. My wife and I will eventually start supporting Nikki and Jordan with a check on a monthly basis, but I thought it'd be cool if a bunch of us got together and purchased the Rosetta Stone Filipino language software so he can shock the country with something other than that sick beard of his.
The software retails for about $550 (not cheap) so you can see where my desire and reality don't exactly match up without a business partner...or 12. I'm going to see if I can get a gang together - hopefully you're interested. If the price drops or extra is raised, the plan is to forward the remaining balance to the Nislys for their future expenses. Here's their official site:
Two pledges in and we're already 28 percent
of the way there after just a few hours!
Excellent work kids! If there are any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact me (Kevin McCarty) at or 316.200.5516. I'll keep this bad boy updated until the total allotment is raised.
Checks can be mailed to:Kevin McCarty
1408 Kurt Drive #21
Bloomington, IL 61701

When I make the purchase, I'll be sure to include everyone's name who contributed to the project on a card.
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